My desk is always very messy...
But this mess makes total sense to me and I simply cannot find inspiration without it. I love to work outside or in front of an open window: the windier the better!

Browse away, they can move!


Wonderful projects with wonderful people.

Design Leadership Network (DLN)

“The Design Leadership Network is a membership organization serving principals of architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture firms, as well as leaders of related creative fields”. (cf DLN’s website)

Illustrations for a magazine issue, 2024

Jane Eyre
A series of illustrations for Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre in the manner of Four Corners Books Familiars series.


Final images



Bits and bobs

︎︎︎︎︎︎ A giant pudding and a reindeer’s snack for my 2024 Christmas cards

Tricky puddle

“What if you need to run?”
Halloween 2024

Some trees are very old

The wolf is back!

A story about a bathroom tile I used to visit in a drawer -
Intrusive thoughts series, “What do you want?”
A story about sheets and the smells of sunday mornings - Intrusive thoughts series, “Where do you go?”

“That’s the one!”
Miss Abigail and Lulu the sausage dog at the haberdashery

Three naughty dogs for my 2023 Christmas cards

︎︎︎ I ate the moon and it grew back

Mushroom picking - Halloween 2023 ︎︎︎

 ︎︎︎ Worried pirates

A summery witch who speaks to swallows ︎︎︎

︎︎︎ Que la vie en vaut la peine, Aragon
The Fliers of Gy, Ursula le Guin ︎︎︎

For the Folio Society Illustration Competition:The Fliers of Gy, Ursula Le Guin, 2023 -- watercolour and pencil on paper

Close up of a picnic on a cliff

Victorian lady reading, 2023 -- fineliner pen on paper

I fell in love with everything victorian the minute I met Austen and the Brontës. I became obsessed with what I’m still calling the “Jane Eyre haircut” and Miss Abigail was born.

When the man comes around, 2023 -- Indian ink and pencil on paper︎︎︎ Just a dash of Johnny Cash gloom.
Watering the pumpkins, 2022 -- Indian ink on paper
︎︎︎ Better to be safe than sorry.
Always water the pumpkins properly.

Lemonade in the green house


︎︎︎ No, the dog isn’t dead.
My grandmother was very concerned about him - has he just been violently murdered by the witch in pink?!
But witches only hurt those who deserve it, everybody knows that.
The dog isn't dead, Halloween 2022 -- watercolour and pencil on paper

Sudden inspiration
or the power of beer
Sudden inspiration or the power of beer, 2018 -- Indian ink on paper

There's no place like home, 2016 -- watercolour on paper
︎︎︎ As Dorothy says it so well:
‘There’s no place like home’


Things I send to the ones I love

 ︎︎︎ Happy New Year 2024

︎︎︎ To Paps

︎︎︎ To Naomi
Night owl, 2022 -- watercolour and pencil on paper 
︎︎︎ To Amel

The cold never bothered me anyway, 2022 -- watercolour and pencil on paper
︎︎︎ To Gabs
︎︎︎ To Mad

︎︎︎ New Year’s 2022
To Mam ︎︎︎

Books I make and stories I tell

Rush & Roar

A collection of storms in literature and the best ways to read them.

The home alone checklist - a children’s book

Three siblings are left alone at home and the eldest give the other two a very boring list of things to do, to try and keep them in check.

People first - Cedric Price’s biography

Cedric Price (1934-2003) was a British architect, an eccentric, and a visionary.
The book unfolds to make the shape of the Generator, Price's most iconic but unbuilt project (cf red drawing on tracing paper below).
